How To Have an Intentional Holiday Season

Hello, hi there! It’s the unofficial winter season (yikes!) and I wanted to check in with you all to see how you are feeling. December is upon us and that means one thing…the holidays are HERE. Regardless of where your mindset is currently at, I am writing to help us all out on how to cultivate an intentional holiday season.

The holiday season means something different for everyone. It may be a time of endless joy for some, yet it could bring a lot of sadness to others. It may leave you feeling excited, or feelings of overwhelm with anxiety. And you know what? Any and all of those feelings are valid. Remember that feelings and emotions are fleeting. What you choose to do with them is the crucial part.

Living your best holiday season life? Continue to show it and spread that holiday cheer! Feeling more like the Grinch and/or stressed out? Try doing something that you enjoy that brings some inner peace. The last thing we need is to take our inner aggression out on others. Everyone is going through something so try to practice self awareness and hit the pause button if needed.

Ok now that we have set the tone, here are some ways to navigate the holiday season and be intentional in how we spend the next several weeks.

Self care

Although the term self care can seem trendy these days, I still like to use it because it has a different meaning for everyone. The holiday season can be stressful, am I right? How about we take some “me” time to help feel our best. There will be situations that are unavoidable, dreadful or unfulfilling, but if we practice self care, it can make any stressful situation a little less daunting. If you take care of yourself, you can show up for others.

What does self care look like for you? It can be the simplest/smallest of things, but if it helps keep you centered, be consistent.


Hitting Pause

One of the best things I have learned over the years is to hit pause and take a step back when needed. Some of us need more down time than others (or some of us intentionally busy ourselves and leave too little down time). The holiday season can feel like there are a million things going on at once.

It is OK to say no to holiday parties to relax and chill out, it is OK to spend some alone time, and it is OK to not be in the holiday spirit at all times.

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Give Without Expectation

Serving others and giving without receiving has some major feel-good power. Have you ever done something for someone without expecting something in return? Yeah, that is called intentional living. Where you genuinely want to help or give in some way and not feel like the other person(s) has to give anything back to you. It is definitely a mood booster!

But this is not to say that you should give to others just because it looks good externally, it has to come from within.

I hope this helps keeps you calm and sane this holiday season! Again, there will be things that are out of our control, but if we can focus more on the good in any situation, you are well on your way. Be intentional, have fun, and you WILL survive the in-laws ;) Hehe just kidding.